New York State Conference Registration - Online Option
Thank you for choosing the online registration option. A few pointers on how to utilize this method. It is recommend to use a desktop browser for the best experience.
Select your registration type and include your name and DAR number when adding to cart
Add your desired meal choices (e.g. Friday luncheon, Saturday dinner)
Add any additional donations
Check-out & pay with credit card (or Apple Pay)
MOBILE USERS - when adding items to cart, you will need to utilize your back button to return to this page and make desired additions to your registration.
Registration/Meal tickets will NOT be mailed to you; they will be available at check in at Conference
NOTE - There is a Convenience Fee of $10 for online registration. This is reflected in the "Shipping" line. If you need to return and add additional meal tickets or donations at a later date, please reach out to [email address] for a reduced Convenience Fee.
If you'd prefer to register via mail+check, you can access the form here [pdf link to be added].