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New York State Conference Registration - Online Option

Thank you for choosing the online registration option. A few pointers on how to utilize this method. It is recommend to use a desktop browser for the best experience.


  • Select your registration type and include your name and DAR number when adding to cart

  • Add your desired meal choices (e.g. Friday luncheon, Saturday dinner)

  • Add any additional donations

  • Check-out & pay with credit card (or Apple Pay)

  • MOBILE USERS - when adding items to cart, you will need to utilize your back button to return to this page and make desired additions to your registration.

  • Registration/Meal tickets will NOT be mailed to you; they will be available at check in at Conference

  • NOTE - There is a Convenience Fee of $10 for online registration. This is reflected in the "Shipping" line. If you need to return and add additional meal tickets or donations at a later date, please reach out to [email address] for a reduced Convenience Fee.


If you'd prefer to register via mail+check, you can access the form here [pdf link to be added].

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